Monday, May 25, 2009

Ink Stains

This is a new blog, and I'm new to this. I want to try to address the issues that I see in my carpet cleaning business.

Lately we have been getting a few people who have had Ink stains. The most important thing to know about Ink stain/spills. DO NOT USE WATER. If the ink remains in gel form you usually can get it out 99% of the time.

The best thing is to find an INK remover, not an all purpose remover or miracle product sold on T.V. at 2:00am. Try going to a local janitorial supply store or Home improvement store, sometimes they have these near the paint isle.

A true ink remover is solvent based and sometimes smells like a paint remover. You will need to have a strong extractor or shop vac. Read the instructions on the product you picked out, generally you will pour a small amount on the stain and then extract immediately, NO agitation.

Once you get out all the ink or no more will come out, you should then use water and flush out the area. You are trying to get rid of the residue from the ink remover. To flush the area, pour water over the area and suck it out.

Good luck! If you have any questions contact us at


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